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The Furminator!!

First of course is the Furminator brush. Shedding is a problem most cats face and is  heaviest in Spring and Fall. Most indoor cats tend to shed year around. Up to 2/3 of the hair a cat sheds is ingested during self grooming, resulting in hairballs that are messy, stressful to the cat and the cause of potentially serious problems. Every loose hair brushed is one less to swallow. Brushing your cat weekly will help with less shedding and hair balls. The brush comes in all different sizes as well as made specifically for long haired cats and short haired cats.




Second, the Furminator Hairball Prevention Shampoo.   This product also comes in a waterless spray as well. It helps reduce excess shedding as well as prevent hair balls. It has Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids and other natural ingredients specifically formulated for cats to help reduce shedding and prevent hair balls. Like all Furminator products it contains no parabens, chemical dyes or artificial dyes.

Also, the Furminator Hairball Prevention Shampoo comes in a waterless spray!!! 

They also make toe nail trimmers and ear cleaner as well. They also of course have a whole line of Furminator products for dogs as well as small animals. 

We have personally used the Furminatior products on our own dogs and cats. We have had great success and just love the Furminator!!! 

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